Feng Miao

Professor of Physics

Curriculum Vitae

Office Address:Tangzhongying Building A504

Lab Address:15 Jinying Street Nanjing University, Tangzhongying Building L205 Nanjing, Jiangsu, China

Mailling Address:22 Hankou Road School of Physics, Nanjing University Nanjing, Jiangsu, China

Phone and Fax:025-83621497

Zip code:210093

E-mail: miao(at)nju.edu.cn   (at)=@

Biographical Sketch Feng Miao joined Nanjing University as a full Professor of Physics and a Principal Investigator at Nanjing National Laboratory of Microstructures in July 2012. He received his Ph.D. degree in physics from the University of California, Riverside, United States, in 2009. Then he worked with HP Laboratories, Palo Alto, California, as a research associate for three years. He is currently a Recipient of the National Outstanding Youth Science Fund, Recipient of the "Huang Kun Prize in Solid State and Semiconductor Physics" from the Chinese Physical Society, recipient of the IAAM Medal from the International Association of Advanced Materials, selected as a leading talent in scientific and technological innovation for the National Special Support Plan for High-Level Talents, selected as a young and middle-aged leading talent in scientific and technological innovation by the Ministry of Science and Technology, chief scientist for the National Major Scientific Research Program (Youth) by the Ministry of Science and Technology, selected for the National "Overseas High-Level Youth Talent Program", selected as one of the "Top Ten Young Scientists, Technicians" in Jiangsu Province (also known as the Jiangsu Youth Science and Technology Award), Clarivate Analytics' Global "Highly Cited Researcher", Elsevier's "Highly Cited Chinese Researcher", recipient of the Nanjing May Fourth Youth Medal, NSFC (National Science Fund of China) Distinguished Young Scholar, and the Chief Scientist of a National Key Basic Research Program. He has published over 140 technical papers (with over 28000 citations, Web of Science) and is the inventor of over 30 granted/pending China/US patents. His awards include:

Poe Memorial Award (2009)

Jiangsu Young Investigator Award (2014)

China "Young and Middle-aged Leading Scientists, Engineers and Innovators"(2018)

"Jiangsu Youth Stars of Science and Technology"(2018)

Clarivate Analytics "Highly Cited Researchers" (2018)

IAAM Medal (International Association of Advanced Materials) (2021)

Huang Kun Prize in Solid State and Semiconductor Physics(2021)

His research is currently focused on electronic properties of two-dimensional materials, and their applications for nanoelectronics, including future computing, emerging memory and advanced optoelectronic devices.

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0962-5424

Research ID: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/1149880

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=OTR7sbEAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao


Shijun Liang

Curriculum Vitae

Visiting scholar

Bin Cheng

Curriculum Vitae

Research Fellow

Yixiang Li

Junjie Shan

Pengfei Wang


Xiunan Yan

Cong Wang

Postdoctoral Innovation Talents Support Program

Curriculum Vitae

Weiqi Dang

Yanwei Cui

Shengnan Yan

Ph.D. Students

Lizheng Wang

Moyu Chen

Yudi Dai

Zaizheng Yang

Zenglin Liu

Wei Wei

Gongjie Ruan

Yichen Zhao

Jiao Xie

xingjian YangDong

Sicheng Chen

Yu Shen

Fanqiang Chen

Jingwen Shi

Shuo Ding

Xiaoyu Sun

Zhaoming Liang

Master Students

Xinyu Cui

Hang Zhao

Yuxuan Yuan

Yao Zhang

Xingchen Liu

Lab manager

Baishan Wang

Former members

Erfu Liu:

Associate professor at Nanjing university

Yajun Fu:

Associate professor at Southwest University of Science and Technology

Mingsheng Long:

Professor at Anhui University

Xiaojuan Lian:

Associate professor at Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications

Hongguang Zhang:

Associate professor at Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications

Wei Zhou:

Lecturer at Shenzhen University

Miao Wang:

System Engineer at KLA-Tencor Semiconductor Equipment Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd

Kang Xu:

Engineer at Quantum Design China

Junwen Zeng:

Postdoc at Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology

Song Hao:

Singapore University of Technology and Design(SUTD)

Yaojia Wang:

Postdoc at Max Planck Institute(MPI)

Chenyu Wang:


Anyuan Gao:

Postdoc at Harvard University

Chen Pan

Lili Zhang:

Postdoc at Lanzhou University

Yu Wang:


Qiao Li


Xiaowei Liu

Engineer at HUAWEI CO., LTD.

Zecheng Ma

Tianjun Cao

Xuan Pan

Yuekun Yang